Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Another big first for Cash this month was his first Halloween. We did get Cash a Tiger costume to wear for some pictures, but Cash didn't go trick or treating this year.  Our neighborhood doesn't have paved walk ways on the streets so kids don't usually go trick or treating here.  The downtown Punta Gorda historic district (think downtown Plymouth) has trick or treating every year and it's pretty crazy...lots of people and most of the houses really go all out with decorations.  We decided not to take Cash this year since he is so small and we would have had to carry him the whole way or use the stroller which would have been close to impossible in the crowd.  We will definitely take Cash next year and we know that it will be exciting for all of us!  We did take some pictures of Cash in his costume and carved a pumpkin for him.  Here are pictures of our Halloween festivities this year!

Our little Tiger!

He had to give the pumpkin a taste...since he couldn't put it in his mouth, he brought his mouth to it!


Hiding out

Such a cutie!

Pretty good pics for doing them myself!
Cash checking out the pumpkin...Jeff and I love this picture for some reason!

Feeling the guts...wasn't too impressed

He's having fun!

Cash and momma

We were surprised that he didn't try to eat the guts

Jeff did a great job carving the pumpkin for Cash!

We thought this would be a good idea...

until Cash tried to lean forward and almost topple the pumpkin!

And he is done!


Kendall said...

I love this post! You got some really great shots! Cutest tiger cub I have ever seen. =)

Porcaros said...

Thanks Kendall...I was pretty impressed with some of the pictures myself! And yes, we think he is the cutest tiger cub ever too! :)