Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Many Faces of Cash!

Jeff and I have been blessed with such a good natured little boy.  Cash is usually happy...that is unless he is hungry, has a wet butt or is overtired.  Since I take a million picture of him, we get some pretty funny ones...all sorts of faces!  Here are some that just make us smile or laugh!

His future is so bright, he has to wear shades!

Even though he is angry here, I LOVE this picture!

Playing piano and singing away!

He really likes what is on that page of the magazine!

Smiley boy

Sweet baby Cash

Why are you making me wear this silly socks mom????

Little grin for daddy...

Bigger grin...

Oh mom...stop taking pictures!


Ok...are you guys really my parents?

Had to get this was on clearance at Target and was perfect!

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