Monday, May 16, 2011

Welcome to the world sweet baby boy!!!

Hello to family and friends!  What an exciting and wonderful couple of days it's been.  As you all know, I was scheduled for my induction on Thursday morning.  Jeff and I arrived at the hospital at 6am and the nurses were all ready for us.  By 7am, we were settled in our labor/delivery room with IV in place, fetal heart monitor on, blood drawn and mom and dad ready to get the show on the road.  Our nurse, Amanda, came in to get my antibiotics going and to get ready to start the Pitocin and Lil Man's heart rate was increasing. We thought it may be from excitement/nerves of everything so I was placed on oxygen and was rolled onto my left side.  After 15/20 minutes of this, the baby's heartrate was still climbing and wasn't coming down so Dr B was called.  He was on his way in and would be in my room first.  He came in and checked me and the baby out and decided that a c section would be the best option since the baby's heart rate was not coming down.  I of course, started to worry and get upset, but there was no time for that.  Within 15 minutes of this decision, I was being rolled into the operating room and getting ready for my spinal block.  I can't even begin to explain all the thoughts going through my head at this point, but I'm sure that for those of you that are mothers or fathers, you can imagine.  My first concerns were for the baby...fetal tachycardia means that the baby's heart if pumping/working so fast that the blood doesn't have time to circulate and get enough oxygen to his body.  He needed to get out and get out fast.  Then I was worried about the c section read about how it's becoming much more common now, but it is still major surgery and there are always risks.  But like I said, I didn't have time to worry much or even think about all of this.  Before I knew it I was leaning forward on Nurse Amanda getting the spinal and losing all control of my legs and lower half of my body.  For anyone who hasn't had this done, it feels like going to the dentist and the tingling of getting Novocaine. Except it's in your legs!  I couldn't feel from my boobs down (sorry if that was too much)!  Once the spinal was done, I was strapped to the table and prepped and then Jeff was walking in.  Within 10 minutes, our baby boy was here!  Cash Albert Porcaro was welcomed into the world on May 12th at 9:10 am, weighing in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long!  The most beautiful sound I heard that morning was my son screaming his lungs out!  Jeff went with the baby and got to cut the cord and bring him over to meet me.  It was an emotional high for me!  All the thoughts of pain from the surgery were sweet baby boy was here.  After delivery, Jeff went with the baby to our room while the DR finished closing me up.  I arrived back to the room and got to hold Cash for the first time which was wonderful.  After a few hours, we were moved to other side of the floor into our room for the rest of our stay.  All of the rooms are private and after you deliver, the room you go to also has a bed for daddy to stay in which is wonderful since there is no nursery for the babies.  Your baby is kept with you in your room til you go home, which I think is nice.  You get a chance to "get a grip" on being a parent and dealing with a newborn. Jeff and I were so blessed to have such an amazing night nurse.  Stella was the ultimate definition of a nurse.  She was so friendly and knowledgeable.  She would talk to you and help you with any problems or concerns that you were having and she fell in love with Cash!  And he loved her too...she was the only one that he didn't fuss too much with!  Stella was our night nurse both nights we were at the hospital and she gave us such words of support before we were discharged.  We wound up leaving the hospital on Saturday afternoon and have been figuring this parenting thing down as best as we can since then!  Cash seems to be a very well natured baby...he is a good eater and HAS to eat when he says!  He is starting to get into a least we think he is!  Overall, he is a joy and Jeff and I can't imagine our life without him!  Here are some pics from Cash's birthday and his first few days.  Love to all of you from the three of us!

Happy Birthday to Cash Albert!!!!

Daddy cutting the cord

Sweet baby boy!

The two loves of my life

Here I am really seeing my son for the first time...nothing compares to that...

Except maybe that first kiss!

Momma finally getting to hold and check baby out

Look at those lips and cheeks!!

Our first family photo as a family of three!

Uncle Moke was Cash's first visitor at the hospital

Daddy changing Cash's diaper...Jeff was on night duty the first night since I couldn't get out of bed at all.  He did a GREAT job!

My two boys...they were listening to the Red Wings game on the radio!

This was how Cash ended up after he was done nursing...he just decided to stretch out and make himself comfortable

Welcome home Cash!

Such a sweet little face

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