So we had a reporter from ABC news here a few weeks ago. She was mainly covering stuff about the interaction between the women we have here in the PRT and the women out in town. Being a Muslim country women are pretty much only good for having children. The new government is trying to change that. Any who, as a side project she wanted to do a story about military tattoos. At this point I am sure those of you know what tattoos I have are probably wondering which one could possible be related to the military. And this is the point where you discover that I got a new tattoo while I was home on leave in September. I don't remember who started saying it, but when we were at Camp Atterbury someone started saying "That's Zabulshit" when ever something stupid was going on. (The province I am in is Zabul province for those who have not been paying attention). Well the dumb shit just continued when we got here, so Zabulshit was still being used. So I decided that I was going to get my military tattoo done when I was home on leave and I decided to get Zabulshit on the back of my arm. I wanted it on my forearm but for some reason Shelly objected to it, still cant figure out why. So the reporter was here and she mentioned what she wanted to do and one of my wonderful buddies decided to throw me under the bus and told her about my tattoo. So I showed it to her and she said she wanted to use it. A few days went by and I assumed she forgot, well apparently to be a reporter you need a good memory, because she came and found me so she could take the picture. So she took the picture and wrote down some stuff and told me it would be on the ABC news website. A few days went by and I asked her when she would have it up, she said she still had to write it and submit it. So I gave her my e mail address so she could let me know when it was going to be up. She left, and a few weeks went by and I never heard from her. I kept checking the web site and I finally stumbled on it by accident. Still have not heard from her, but here is the link. Might have to copy and and past...not sure how it will work.
Long story short: I managed to get into the news while I was over here and all it was for was having Zabulshit tattooed on my arm.
Much love to all, take care and I will see everyone soon.
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