Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hero Deployment Bracelets and Dog Tags

Hey guys...I want to place the order for the Deployment bracelets and tags by Tuesday, April 21st since the orders take about 3 weeks to process and ship. In order to do that, I need anyone interested to either respond to this blog entry with your order of what you want and I also need you guys to send me your check for the order.(To view the website, go to ) So far, I have had quite a response and it looks like the order will be close to $600 so I need everyone to send me your money before hand. If you are wanting to order a bracelet, they will be $12 each and the dog tags will be $13 each. I have decided to get the following engraved on the bracelets
Our Hero, SGT Jeffrey Porcaro
Operation Enduring Freedom, 2009
For the dog tags, I was going to get
Our Hero, SGT Jeffrey Porcaro
OEF Afghanistan 2009
Stay Safe, Stay Strong
If you would like to order something else, please feel free to do so on your own. For the parents, you all wanted the dog tags and yours will say something special on them, so don't worry!
Please respond to me either in an email to or respond to this entry. You can send your check to me at
Michele Porcaro
149 Uruguay Drive
Punta Gorda, FL 33983.
Since I live in the state of FL, there is no sales tax added to the shipment, but I will be sending the bracelets to you...if you are in Michigan and see either my mom, my dad, Jeff's mom, or Jeff's dad, I will send a package to the parents and post a blog saying whose goes where. I think you guys can figure that out though! If you don't live in the area, I will be sending them to you directly, so please include a little more in your check for shipping. Thank you all so much for your love and support...I know that Jeff was completely surprised when he found out how many people wanted to get a bracelet or tags. It means so much to both of us. Love to all of you!


Sue Bardeleben said...

Dear Shelly and Jeff:
I love the wording you decided on, Shelly - I already sent you my order and a check. Jeff - I'm glad you are writing to everyone on the blog - it makes me feel closer to you when I read your posting. Of course, I am praying that you and Shelly get some time together before you actually leave for Afghanistan - but while you are still in Indiana, send out your mailing address and "maybe", just "maybe" you'll get another box of treats from your "Moms" ! By the way, I do take requests ; well, I just wanted to say hi to both of you and remind you how much I love you..... Talk to you soon.

Michelle said...

Jeff and Shelly,

I was over Mikey and Danyell's yesterday for the Opening Day BBQ and collected orders and money for more bracelets! I'll get it in the mail to you Shelly, do you know how many orders we have yet??

Jeff, I know you won't have your new address for a couple of weeks, but like your awesome mother in law said, you just may get another package of goodies!

I miss you both ~ take care.
