Monday, March 23, 2009

My birthday has come early...

I have been extremely blessed to find my job when I moved here to Florida. I was only here 3 weeks before my interview, and started my job less than a month after I made the big move. The people I work with at Charlotte State Bank have really become my family...and they have again given me a great gift. I will get to see Jeff in Mississippi the first week of April! I feel like a kid on Christmas, knowing that in just 11 short days, I will get to see the love of my past, present and future. Everyone at work has pulled together to make sure that I will be able to take some time off so I can go see Jeff. Not only that, but my husband, who I love more and more everyday, made my day by telling me thank you and that he loves me and can't wait to see me. I am truly one lucky woman.

I will be flying into Mississippi on Thursday, April 2nd and staying til Sunday, April 5th. I will drive from Jackson Airport to Hattiesburg, where Jeff is and will get to spend almost 3 glorious days with him...I cannot wait. This is truly an early birthday gift and I am thankful that I can afford to make this trip on only two weeks notice. Someone is truly looking out for Jeff and I and knowing that we just need to be together for a few days. All I know is that Jeff and I are thankful, and glad for luck to be on our side for a little while.

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