Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Cash's First Birthday

I can't believe that Cash's first birthday has come and gone!  We had a wonderful first birthday weekend and had quite a few visitors.  Grandma Sue, Papa Gordie and Gabby all came down to celebrate Cash's big day and I was so thankful to have them here.  It was a great way to celebrate even though we couldn't have all of our family here.  We had a small party for Cash on his birthday at our house and he had quite the turnout!  Here are a ton of pictures from his big day!

I made this birthday banner for Cash...each flag had a picture of Cash on it from birth to 11 months. 

Oh lord...what has mommy put on my head????

The cake wasn't a big hit...Cash HATES to touch or pick up anything mushy!  He was more intrigued with the sprinkles on the side of the cake than anything!
And then he tried to put the sprinkles back on the cake!

Here daddy...you have a taste!

The Porcaro Family
Yep...that's all the damage that was done to the smash cake!

Big Bird and Elmo showed up to the party!

LOVE these ladies...if I didn't know any better, I would have thought they were old friends from high school!  Here is my mom, Sue and one of my dearest friends, Barb

Cash was ready to open presents after a little nap and some peek a boo with his friend, Taylor!
Kisses for Tay!

A new dump truck!

Here is Cash showing off his bib from Papa and Gabby...you can almost hear his giggles in this one!

And, it's not a party til someone is crying!!!!!
It's my party, mom...and I'll cry if I want to!

He sure did get a lot of goodies...thank you everyone!

Showing off his new ride from mommy and daddy
As you can see, we had a really great day celebrating our little Cashew.  We wish that we were able to have all of our family and friends celebrate with us, but we are so thankful for all of you that sent cards and gifts to remember our little boy's big day.  We cannot believe that a whole year has already passed...we cannot wait to see what the next year holds for our little boy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Five Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Six Hundred Minutes

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes

Five hundred twenty-five thousand moments so dear

Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes


 How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets

  In midnights, in cups of coffee


 In inches, in miles

In laughter, in strife

 In five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes,

How do you measure a year in the life?

How about love?

 How about love?

 How about love?

 Measure in love...

Seasons of LOVE

As I sit here writing this post, tears are flowing as I think of how much love I have for our sweet little Cash.  This past year, Jeff and I have both learned so much from Cash and from each other and I know that we are forever changed by this amazingly wonderful experience called parenthood.  We have so many things to be thankful for and so many reasons to smile every single day because of one little boy that arrived into this world on May 12, 2011 at 9:10am.  Just yesterday while we were out with Cash, we had three different people tell us "not to blink" and that "it will all go by so fast."  I know that Jeff and I cannot believe that a year has gone by...we do not think people realize just how fleeting time really is until you have a child.  We are amazed every single day by something new that Cash does or how quickly he can master things.  I know that I personally have done my best to slow down and enjoy the little things...for these little things ARE the big things in life.  I take each smile, slobbery kiss, squeeze hug, giggle, clap, step and try to file them into my memory so I will be able to replay them in the future.  And each day when I get to rock Cash to sleep, I take in every moment and know that I have been blessed to be called mommy by this lil man.  Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes...and all it took was one of those for that little boy to steal my heart forever. 

Happy birthday, Cash Albert...mommy and daddy love you so very much!