I can't believe that I am almost through this pregnancy! It almost seems like yesterday that Jeff and I found out we were expecting and I am now almost 35 weeks into the pregnancy! It certainly has been an interesting ride along the way! Early on, I had some spotting that put me on bed rest for two weeks. Jeff and I were on pins and needles the whole time, knowing that the "secret" we had could be just that...a secret that he and I would only ever know. We were both scared and excited to go in for that ultrasound and were so relieved to hear that little heartbeat for the first time! Our little baby was growing and thriving! We were so excited to tell our family and friends and have them share in our excitement. As the pregnancy continued and I was beginning to show, we could hardly wait to find out the sex...and two days before Christmas we did just that! Our son sure did give us a show, confirming the feelings that Jeff and I both had-that we were going to have a little boy!
As the New Year arrived, so did more complications. I had more spotting. While this is not uncommon during pregnancy, it isn't normal, especially during the second trimester. Another visit to the doctor and he placed me on bed rest again. While this was not what I wanted to hear, it was the best thing to do. I was beginning to wonder if it was something that I was or was not doing that was causing all the complications. Was I not supposed to be a mother? It was the one thing that I wanted most, and I was so worried that something would happen and that this baby, this little boy that Jeff and I created and loved so much already, would never get to meet us. Selfish, I know. I continued to have some spotting and was kept off of work. Just a few weeks ago, I went to the doctor and he was a little concerned that Lil Man's heart rate was low and that my belly measurements were small for my dates. I was wondering how they were small since I was continuing to grow, and grow and grow!!! My doctor decided that I would be placed on the fetal heart monitor and have a biophysical profile (basically an ultrasound) at my next visit to monitor the amniotic fluid. I returned the next week and during the profile, my amniotic fluid was quite low. I was told to increase my water intake and rest, especially on my left side. This increases the blood flow to the baby and limits the cord restriction to the baby. I was to return in five days and we would repeat the tests. If my amniotic fluid was low again, I would be admitted to the hospital. Of course, this is not what Jeff and I wanted to hear, but if it was what was best for the baby and I, then we would do it. I tried not to worry too much and Jeff just told me to relax and REST!!! Upon our return last week, Lil Man's heart beat was great and my amniotic fluid was back up...both great news! While my visits are weekly now, the best part is getting to listen to Lil Man's heart beat for about thirty minutes on the monitor. It really is music to my ears! I am now officially done with work...I had to start my FMLA in January and have since exhausted all of my time. While I loved my job (especially some coworkers and customers) and wish that I could return before and after Lil Man arrives, I know that I am now doing the most important job that I can...taking care of myself and our baby. I have been able to use my time off to get caught up on scrap booking, lots of books and rest since I know that once our sweet little boy arrives, I won't know what that word is! I have come to realize just how blessed I am that I will be able to be off for quite awhile after the baby arrives and that I will be able to enjoy the most precious time with him as an infant. I know that I will never be able to get that time back and that means more to me than anything. Jeff has been such an amazing source of support through all of this. He has not only been working full time, but going to school full time. On top of all of that, he has found time to get Lil Man's room ready, get the house in order, all the while taking excellent care of me and making sure that I have anything that I need. I look at him every single day and realize just how blessed I am to have such an amazing life partner, best friend, husband and father to our child. Lil Man has the most amazing role model in the world...someone that will truly show him what an amazing man is and should be.
With only about five weeks left of this pregnancy, Jeff and I know that our baby could arrive at any time. This of course has us so excited, and scared to death! We know that it will be interesting getting used to being parents, but we are so excited to finally meet this little boy that has given us a challenging pregnancy. We have no doubt that he will be a stubborn child (as Jeff and I both are still) and that we will truly be at his mercy!! This was proven to us while having our ultrasound to get measurements and find out the sex. At first he was quite shy about showing off the goods, and then kept doing it. As our tech was trying to get a front view of his face to make sure there were no deformities or problems, Lil Man continued to "hide" and turned every time she got close. I know that he will be an independent and strong willed child...and we wouldn't have him any other way!!!
I will continue to keep everyone updated on the blog as much as I can. Once our little boy arrives, this may prove to be more challenging, but I'm sure that between Jeff and I, we will be able to make some posts...we promise to do our best!!! It's so amazing how you can love someone so much and haven't even met them yet...but Jeff and I do. Our little boy is blessed already...we cannot wait to see where life will take him!