Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. I got to talk to Jeff today on Skype and he was doing well. He actually got a Thanksgiving dinner so it made it feel more like a "special" day than just another day in Afghanistan. This time of the year is proving to be especially difficult for Jeff and I. The holidays are something that we have always spent together, and now that we are in our new house, we should be celebrating our first Christmas together there, waking up together on Christmas morning. Please remember to think of Jeff and all of our service men and women this holiday season. I know that it will help Jeff out tremendously to have comments and messages left on here for him to read. Remember, if you want to get a box to him by Christmas (hopefully), please send it out by December 4th. Sending love to all and thanks for all of the blessings in our life.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Boxes to Jeff

Hey guys...sorry I haven't update lately. Not too much going on. I know that everyone is getting more and more busy with the holidays coming up. I subscribe to the Army Times (a newspaper that discusses things going on with the military) and it suggested that you send out boxes to loved ones in Jeff's area no later than December 4th to get there by Christmas. There will be an increase in mail and boxes and since the mail is not picked up every day for Jeff and the rest of the guys, this should give about 2 1/2 weeks for the boxes to travel. I just wanted to pass this along to those of you sending boxes Jeff's way. Right now Jeff is pretty stocked up on goodies and things that he needs and he doesn't have any ideas for Christmas gifts. If you are wanting to send him something, please remember that he will have to pack everything up to ship back to the States, so don't send anything too big. I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and take time to really give thanks for all the blessings that we have in our lives. Love to all!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

We Own a Home!!!!

Just wanted to post a pic of The Porcaro house! The closing happened on Monday the 2nd...and after a slight delay (come on, after all the issues, did you really think the closing would go super smooth?), I was able to sign mine and Jeff's life away for the next 30 years! So even though I didn't sign the papers on the 30th like I thought, everything worked out and we are getting a little money back too...which will help in the painting of the living room and putting in new tile.

All of our stuff was moved in on Saturday the 7th with the help of Uncle Steve, Kenny, Tim and JB. They have all helped with some repairs at the house prior to move in and JB is putting in a new back door for us and Tim will lay the tile when all the painting is done. Without these guys, I would be lost! Uncle Steve really outdid himself this week when he decided to "trim" the palms and Beugonvilia bush...I came over after work and they were all gone! He has another friend coming to pull out the stumps for us. The house has a whole new look! Can't wait for friends and family to come visit...mostly, I can't wait for Jeff to get here and make the house a HOME!!!!